Item Coversheet

City of North Miami Beach
17011 NE 19 Avenue
North Miami Beach, Fl 33162



TO:Mayor and City Commission
FROM: City Manager Arthur H. Sorey III
VIA: Kent Walia, AICP, Community Development Director
DATE:March  21, 2023

 RE: Ordinance No. 2023-02 (First Reading) Administrative Site Plan Process (Kent Walia, AICP, Community Development Director)



Staff is proposing an amendment of Section 24-172 “Site Plan Review” to remove subsection (K) “Limited Administrative Authority for Site Plan Amendments” and create Section 24-176.1 entitled “Administrative Site Plan Processes” to increase the administrative threshold for the review and approval of minor site plan modifications, and to establish a process for the administrative review and approve of public entity and city-owned public property site plan applications. The proposed legislation will allow for minor internal or external modifications to floor plans, architectural elevations, landscape plans, or site plans with no increase in density, which is deemed insubstantial and does not change the intent of the City Commission approval conditions in the resolution. The legislation will also allow for site plan applications provided by public entities such as utility providers, federal agencies, government entities, etc., and City projects to be reviewed and approved administratively. Administrative site plan applications will not be allowed to create or increase non-conformities or include variances. Any variance requests will be processed separately in accordance with ZLDC section 24-176. All administrative site plan applications will be subject to TRAD review and City Commission presentation if requested by the City Commission.



On February 13, 2023, the Planning & Zoning will the review the ordinance and make a recommendation to the City Commission. The vote results will be mentioned at the City Commission meeting as part of the staff presentation. 


City of North Miami Beach Strategic Plan Consistency:

  • High Performing City Organization
    Providing Exceptional Customer Services
  • Revitalized Downtown and Major Corridors

Staff Report - Administrative Site Plan Extension CC
Administrative Site Plan Processes - Ordinance
Current ZLDC 24-172 (FOR REFERENCE)