Item Coversheet
 City of North Miami Beach
17011 NE 19 Avenue
North Miami Beach, Fl 33162



TO:Mayor and City Commission
FROM: Esmond K. Scott, City Manager

Justin Proffitt, Community Development Director

Sharon Cino, Planning and Zoning Manager

DATE:December  15, 2020

 RE: Ordinance No. 2020-03 (Second and Final Reading) Water Supply Facilities Work Plan Comp Plan Amendment (Justin Proffitt, AICP, Director of Community Development)



Legislative Update

Between 1st and 2nd reading of this ordinance, city staff sent the proposed work plan and recommended policies to the State mandated review agencies for review and comment. No agency rejected the proposed amendments, but provided comments and suggested revisions. No major comments were provided either. Revisions were made to the plan and policies to address comments provided by the State review agencies and the South Florida Water Management District. Below is a summary of the updates to the plan and policies: 


  • Clarifications made throughout report that water supplied to City includes water from the Upper Floridian Aquifer. 
  • Page 8: Inclusion of additional City Objectives and Policies that address the City’s regional water supply. 
  • Page 18: Corrections to Raw Water Supply section addressing well depth and capacities (refer to table). 
  • Page 43: Conservation section updated to identify that the city uses technology and practices that result in consistent reductions in potable water, as well as Best Management Practice related to the efficient use of water in landscape designs. 
  • Page 44: City supports reuse projects under the MDWAS Water Use Permit
  • Page 47: Clarification of irrigation days enforced by the County.
  • Page 47: Added the FL Building Code section for MDC plumbing fixture requirements 
  • Page 48: Addition of the MDC Landscape Requirements code section 
  • Pages 55-58: Proposed Com Plan Amendments modified to correct language, delete proposed language, and addition of new policies specifically on page 57 and 58 under Intergovernmental Coordination, Conservation and Future Land Use elements.  




In order to meet mandatory state statutes local requirements, the City’s Community Development Department staff, NMB Water, and the City's Consultant The Corradino Group developed the Work Plan dated January 17, 2020 containing the "2020 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan". 


 The purpose of the City of North Miami Beach’s new 2020 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan Update is to identify and plan for the water supply sources and facilities needed to serve existing and new development within the local government’s jurisdiction. This Work Plan will be adopted to be consistent with both the Miami-Dade County and South Florida Water Management District Water Facilities Work Plans.  
The City's Comprehensive Plan will be amended to include the revision of the plan previously adopted in 2015 and preparation of the City of North Miami Beach 2020 10- Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (“Work Plan”).  The revision of the Work  Plan is accompanied by the text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element, Infrastructure Element, Conservation Element, Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and Capital Improvement Element.


The Water Supply Facilities Work Plan Comprehensive Plan amendment is consistent with the City's Strategic Planning for 2019-2024.





 Community Development Department recommends Approval

ORD 2020-03 10 Year Water Supply Facilities
City Staff Report 6-16-20
2020 NMB Water Supply Plan Updated for 2nd Reading
Table A Well Information Updated for 2nd Reading
Exhibit 1 2020 10- Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan
Exhibits 2-6 Water Supply Plan Comprehensive Plan Amendments